
JANU: For this morning’s journey, let us partake of rich opportunities. From some perspectives, life for the most part is a continuing journey of sameness and repetition, predictability, and opportunities are seen as occasional. Whether awakening or not, opportunities are ceaseless. Many are just not aware of these. So, you ask the question, “Does one take advantage of all opportunities, if they are that continuous?” The answer is no. You are free to choose. The wisdom comes in which ones to choose and when.

So, how does one recognize an opportunity to be fulfilled? It is by being conscious of your life, the truth of it in the moment, and the potential of any chosen opportunity. Do they seem related and fulfilling?

Now, opportunity then is a life creation based upon your life. Reality is so full of richness, movements of life, change, evolution, everywhere and always. The sameness some experience from day to day is from unawareness of what is available. Taking time to find meaning in everything but not understanding how to see it. Opportunities can be a doorway into these understandings and a growing vision of what is. Opportunities are life communicating with you. Your being attracts them and, yes, creates them by way of the larger reality of your being.

A worthy effort is to recognize opportunities each day and the many ways they present themselves. Look not for spectacular opportunities but for the small fleeting ones in relationships, decisions to be made, and understanding. An opportunity can be a person who just walked by you or is speaking to you or is serving you and being served by you. The still, small voice that guides you is you, your True Nature.

The eternal you possesses much wisdom and love and compassion and gentleness and is in communication with the richness of life. Strengthen the link, the connection, by listening and putting into practice in your life what you have gained through the listening, you see. What better way to learn and grow than by way of who you truly are? That truth is always with you to guide your life and your awakening. You’re not alone and never have been. Walk life together as one. Namaste.

Apr. 29, 2015                                                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross