Living free in your full identity

JANU: We are holding the focus for renewal for all of humanity. Otherwise stated: rebirth into who they truly are. This theme of life is growing and will become more dominant in the affairs of living. This rebirth is not a departure from incarnate life or incarnate concerns, but an expansion of consciousness to include so much more. And, in time, the identity includes all that you are. What a grand journey of experiences and wisdom and contribution to life!

What is awakening, then, but becoming fully aware of all that you are and, through that existence, access to understanding the rest of life? Everything will be perceived through a new perception, understood more profoundly, valuing each other beyond pettiness and competition and power struggles, finding peace behind everything, transmuting mis-creations into re-creations. Commitments to life are greater than one sojourn. Conscious incarnations by choice, even while mastering your life, anticipating the wonder of endless new adventures and discoveries.

These new understandings and perceptions lead to mutual support, helping each other realize their journeys and explorations. New associations with other worlds profoundly more meaningful, not only for humanity but for them as well. The reality of alternate existences, rungs of existence, are limitless as well in scope and diversity. Life without physical bodies is vast. Everything is changing, our brother, everything. No longer being ‘stuck,’ if you will, in social scenarios, patterns of living and relationships. Pioneers in human civilization are revered. In the new life, everyone pioneers in one way or another, exploring and sharing discoveries to help each other.

Freedom, our brother. Live in freedom and own the life that you are, settling for no less. Being free, living free, enhances life. Namaste.

Apr. 27, 2015                                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross