JANU: We are announcing the realization that there always comes a time when each one has a breakthrough moment in consciousness of self-realization, what the self really is, you see. This breakthrough moment is life changing, for the focus of existence is more permanent, more anchored in reality. You ask to describe this breakthrough moment. It is different for each one, our brother, but it has to do with thoughts, desires, concerns, frustrations, scattered perceptions coming together as one, resolved in an understanding of your nature and the flow of life.
It is not just that the presence of the True Nature is with you but the identity becomes far more complete. Yes, the True Nature is who you are eternally, but the rest of your existence, including the human journey, is giving depth, character, texture, flavor, and wisdom, and all of that is included in who you are. So, your identity is all of these, as part of that which lives on. Your identity as a human-being-only personality changes and grows, includes more and more. So does your True Nature, for it includes the human journey. In time, ‘we’ becomes ‘I’, the Capital I, if you will, meaning the complete you. Still in motion, still absorbing life, and still observing life.
This process may seem unique to your current consciousness and memories. This is not your first time, our brother. It is a universal experience, each one unique due to the diversity of life. And by no means the end of the journey. Just one more threshold, you see, in the evolution of life. Cherish the moments, for the next moment is not the same as the last. Thank you, our brother, and namaste.
May 2, 2015 Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross