Heaven and Hell

JANU:    Some labor under the notion that their path in life leads to eventual bliss or eternal damnation. What a narrow, unloving, and limited choice people are presented with by pronouncements of faith and an unforgiving authority. We say this to that: the only truth in this is what you believe to be so. And even that runs its course after passing from the body. The larger truth here is one of a loving process of freedom from such limitations. Think you then that life condemns part of itself, meaning you, your spirit, your consciousness, your True Nature, to an existence of permanent separation from the grace that life is?

Your True Nature is a grand example of what we speak. Punishment is not the theme. Loving association, deep understanding, your own forgiveness for everything and the freedom to enjoy the love and the truth that awaits you. However, the veil was dropped for your sojourn for your benefit by your True Nature. Your path is full of your choices, whether incarnate or not. You have always been loved, and always will be. You are a Light Being, with the capacity for forgiveness, service, wisdom, True Peace, and the power of life itself to create. Your master is your own True Nature. You serve the truth of who you are. Allow yourself to experience that Light and that love that is your heritage and your destiny. Love each other in the spirit of that freedom. Namaste.

Apr. 28, 2015 B                                                                     Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross