The search for intelligent life

JANU: We are using this opportunity to prevail upon the natural forces of physical existence to give way to their evolution, including the physical bodies of humanity.

What we see coming here is an uplift in the innate healing forces within the physical body to accommodate the coming changes in human physiology. These changes will include the quickening of certain portions of DNA, a small addition to current DNA, a refinement of the synapses in the brain, and a growing and deepening connection with the mind and True Nature. We see this occurring slowly over time, becoming more and more noticeable by the individual.

This is already occurring in some and the natural forces are being quickened as the consciousness of humanity is awakening and responding to the larger life, as understood by their own True Nature. This is not just for humanity, you see, but all of the Earth, for humanity is an integral part of the system of life called ‘the Earth.’ A growing understanding will occur that humanity exists to serve the Earth as well, for it is part of it.

Less and less will humanity see themselves as intelligent and superior and the rest of life on Earth not. Intelligence is everywhere, our brother, in one form or another. Part of the larger system of life. Ha! “The search for intelligent life!” It is all around you, and among the stars. It is everywhere. The creatures of the world understand life, but in a different way, and some in ways humanity still struggles to understand.

So, as you walk your day, look around you and see the intelligence in life inherent in every creation. Namaste, our brother.

Apr. 20, 2015                                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross