Mastering communication

JANU:    We’ll hit the ground running, so to speak, for this evening’s journey. And this has to do with preparing for a summation of sorts from the Council of Spoken Languages that continues to assess meaning in language as it changes over time. The cultures of the world seem to depend heavily on spoken language, but the other communications, non-verbal, continue on unnoticed by others. Intuition, direct knowing, insights, expression and impression some call ‘body language,’ but mostly the touch of consciousness.

Communication without misinterpretation is the key here. The spoken language is inadequate here. Too many meanings for the same word. Misinterpretations through the lack of perception of the intent of another.   This council we speak of attempts to regulate the meaning of speech by purifying language, allowing for the flow of meaning. There are societies on other worlds where spoken language is in combination with rigid rules of meaning. And the rigidity of this causes language to be honed to a fine art but lacks the flow of a changing life.

Gradually, spoken word is left behind in bits and pieces and the other languages of life, unspoken, come forward. This council masterfully guides the transition from spoken language to many other forms of knowing. So you see, our brother, communication is a vast discipline, but a discipline to be developed and mastered.

Apr. 20, 2015 B                                                                     Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross