The push is on for awakening

JANU: There is a push to awaken humanity into a far more joyous relationship with life, and each other. Moments of insight, misunderstood, ignored, giving way to the pressures of living created by humanity, can be gently expanded to insights as requested at any time.

There is so much that life has to reveal, that means other beings as well, to the benefit of humanity. Many keep asking, “Why don’t these beings come out into the open, land their craft, if that’s the case, and meet the people?” The answer is: Is humanity ready for such an experience? How would these beings be received? Loving acceptance? Or with suspicion and a defensive attitude, mistrust, judged with old perceptions and concepts created by humanity? So the desire for others to relate to humanity, lift consciousness, and inspire joyous hearts is there but clearly the task is for humanity to grow in consciousness and understand their message and who they are. And this is supported by a reality that humanity understands who they themselves are

The path of awakening to True Nature is the journey we speak of. For understand this, our brethren, the True Nature is the link to the rest of life. Many of these other beings understand this and have achieved this oneness, this connection, and wish this for humanity as well. But they cannot force this upon humanity, only inspire. So, in a very real way, humanity’s journey into awakening is part of their journey as well. One way or another, the awakening of humanity benefits all of life. So the push is on, and, in our way, we are part of it.
May 13, 2015 Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross