Getting to know the larger you

JANU:    Much of the dissatisfaction with living conditions on the Earth, by humanity, comes from a lifestyle, including all faces of society, that is created by consciousnesses yet to awaken fully to the True Nature. As awakening continues, the social condition will change. Enlightened humanity will not make the same choices and will see no profit in mutually destructive behavior.

Now, this does not mean the True Nature of individuals is silent but, when fears govern choices, it is difficult to hear the True Nature. Remember, the True Nature is constantly aware of everything about you. There are no secrets. And the True Nature is attuned to the larger life beyond time and space as well. Where is the wisdom in building on a fault line, dietary habits that degrade your health? Why do you think so many wish to end their lives? Even those who attempt to provide therapy would benefit greatly from the insights of the True Nature. And what is this True Nature we speak of but the eternal you, the you that remembers everything, attuned to the larger life and has access to the wise counsel of the larger Family of Life.

This is not to say that humanity has wasted all of its opportunities. It has gained much. But there are thresholds of illusion. The status quo does not apply. For many, life seems to travel in circles, every day much like another and no end in sight. It is as frustrating to the spirit.

Go deep inside. Love who you truly are and get to know and embrace who you truly are. You will find peace and joy, a love for life, and the fulfillment of countless adventures, discoveries, and capabilities, and your incarnate life will blossom. Namaste.

May 25, 2015                                                                                       Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross