Why not open to a larger life?

JANU: We ask the question: Why not open to the larger life, the larger you? What is there to fear? Yes, you say, “The unknown.” Why would you think that life has misery in store for you, while opening to its truth, its richness, and its love? What evidence can you base this on? Your misery is born of ignorance and fear and a lack of those elements of the larger life. Why remain isolated from blessings when you can receive them in a perfect way and participate in blessings for others and other parts of life? How many wondrous things have you learned and experienced that were new to you and unknown, that you would have missed by remaining ignorant or unawakened?

The parts of you that fear the unknown are those that wish to remain in power and dominate your life. Including those around you, who always attempt to keep you under their control, that they might use your power and your freedom for their benefit. Not just individuals, but organizations, and religions as well. How many in your life draw their power from you rather than support your own freedom?

The question remains: Why not embrace the freedom and the beauty of the larger life? It has always been offered to you, waiting for you to agree. Letting go of ignorance and embracing the unknown truth seems risky to those living in darkness. This does not require leaving the body or abandoning the opportunities of your current existence, but allowing this adds so much to who you are, how you live and relate to life.

Why not live a life in True Peace, rather than struggle and worry, frustration, depression, anger, blaming everything but yourself for your experience? Reclaim you birthright, your true power to create your life, and re-create it. The illusion of your life being yours, independent of a larger life, perpetuates the ignorance, our brother. Your true freedom is in harmony with life and its flow, and that of others.

Open to the beauty of what’s to come and you will never turn back to live as you once did. Allow this to be your experience only through agreeing with it and discover your heart’s desire with clarity and the true reason you exist at all, with fulfilling purpose and meaning. Namaste.

May 20, 2015                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross