Explore life, moving on without regrets

JANU: Much of exploring life is ‘deciding to know,’ attuning to realities, accepting them for what they are without disturbing them. Agreeing to incarnate involves much more than incarnating, you see. Being a presence in another reality has already changed that reality, and every moment changes it further. Understand this, our brother: service to life can co-exist in more than one reality at a time. Much can be set in motion to support the flow of life and enrich the harvest of experience.

A thorn, so to speak, in the side of living appears to be not knowing, understanding just out of reach, or so it seems. Understanding something different or new to you at this time does not require pushing, impatience, demands, but allowing an embrace of what already is. It takes no effort at all, our brother. The effort is in keeping things from you, which is of your own making.

As you move through life, be aware of interactions with others and the experience that leaves behind in them. Mistakes can be a blessing, as they can reveal so much. The ‘trial and error’ success in living is an honorable path. Regret them not, but learn and move on. Dwell not with regret. Understand all of your creations and move on.
June 3, 2015 B                                 Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross