
JANU: Tonight’s focus is self-healing, not just for the physical body, but for the emotions and the mind and the consciousness as well. Perceive these elements of being, of experience, of expression, as a system of coordination, bound together by the model of existence of those who have chosen the human experience. The basic nature of this system of coordination, ideally, is self-maintaining and, yes, evolving. Through journeys, through lifetimes, countless encounters and circumstance, the influence of the perceptions of others, social consciousness, and the struggles to survive, how can one not carry patterns of life not altogether in harmony with the nature of the existence of this system?

So you ask what to do about this situation. Attune to the memory and current experience of all of these influences, as if they are present, viable, and influencing your being. Allow your perception of reality to include not only the eternal you, the True Nature, but the life pattern that you essentially are. And allow your experience to include your basic coordinations, life presence, and the inner pattern of life with an eternal foundation of being and the strength and the ongoingness of your connection with life itself. These external influences are experiences of a temporary nature. The experience matters, their circumstance less. There is wisdom in engaging patterns of life, understanding them, your relationship to them at the time, gratitude for what they bring you, and then move on. Do not let the circumstance define you.

In truth, you are a being of Light, not subject to aging, the so-called illnesses. Draw upon the truth of who you are, all you have gained, all you have given, all you will be. Allow this into your consciousness, keeping your truth clear. Choose wisely and enjoy your choices. Namaste.
June 8, 2015 B Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross