The Truth lives in everyone

JANU: We are rich in the knowledge that the Truth lives in everyone, as the primary reality, tolerating unenlightened excursions into life to gain experience, which always adds to the Truth within. Understanding the complexities and nuances of incarnate life and the primary nature of Truth is still unfolding. The challenge and opportunity here is to grow in consciousness in awareness of this complexity and to choose to see the difference so that, even continuing on the incarnate journey, the Truth is revealed, understanding deepened, and maturity develops. In the play, so to speak, the dance of life, but not of it.

That kind of equilibrium is very useful. When observing life, and seeing Truth, how deeply is it perceived? The experience of the incarnate life serves mastership greatly. All realities of life that are embraced and experienced contribute to a growing consciousness. As awakening continues, all of these can be accessed to contribute to a more complete you. Do not underestimate the contribution to your existence, your being, of the incarnate experience. Allow that life to reveal its Truth. And you are not the only one that benefits, our brother.

Even misperceptions, misunderstandings, are rooted in the Truth of life, for that Truth allows them, you see, to continue the path of discovery and reveal many things about the layers and processes of consciousness. Grow more flexible in the embrace of opportunity and the results. Namaste.

June 3, 2015                                          Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross