Physicality is not limited to physical matter

JANU:    Humanity’s consciousness of incarnate reality is somewhat limited. Gross physical density is only a part of it. Because the True Nature of the incarnate human has many levels of consciousness, when applied while incarnate physical reality expands greatly. Physicality, commonly experienced, is limited to physical creativity, but creativity has many realities, and when applied to the awakened human, one with their True Nature, physicality can be created, manipulated, modified, altered, or continue unaffected by what some would call natural deterioration or decay.

Some marvel at what appears to be the ability to levitate heavy objects, but they are no longer heavy, you see, during manipulations of other realities of physicality. The materialization of objects from one location to another; the foreknowledge of events, even in the physical; the seeming creation of life, animated life, where there appeared to be none; the changing of colors intentionally; the manipulation of weather, movement of storms, and shields from destruction. The list goes on and on, our brother, the possibilities that include even determining, to varying degrees, the length of a sojourn.

Awakening to the larger you, the larger life, the larger truth of being has unlimited rewards. Is ignorance really superior to the wisdom of knowing? Why wait for technology to visit other worlds, exchange understandings, learn from each other, when all of this and far more can be accomplished when at one with your own True Nature? It is not isolated from the rest of life as much of humanity thinks they are. Be not so in awe of unlimited possibilities that you hesitate to engage the smallest ones, so to speak, at your doorstep. Namaste.

June 9, 2015 B                                                                       Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross