Models of changing awareness

JANU: Be it known that there are individuals and groups of humanity around the world embracing awakening with a vision toward spreading this Light, with a concern for the awakening of all of humanity. Awakening is a process of many forms and countless elements of understanding and inner and outer change. These individuals and groups around the world are mastering their own consciousness and growing together, sharing insights, supporting each other through times of confusion or misunderstanding.

These awakenings are growing and, to a degree, those who oppose this are becoming more and more aware that this will challenge their model for living and thinking and feeling, realizing that they will slowly lose their grip on the lives of others. More and more people realize the true power of consciousness and connection with each other. When change occurs from within, it touches others and is more powerful and contagious.

As this consciousness grows, of enlightenment, there will be a change in focus for the media. No longer seeing the destructive side of unenlightened individuals as powerful and fearsome but as self-destructive, weakening. Seeing those who live in the Light, and the fruits of their existence as the true power from within. Realizing that sharing their stories will inspire others to claim that power for themselves. Paying it forward, so to speak. Social organizations and media will awaken as well and cast their net into the sea of life to be part of these changes. And many of their workers secretly welcome the change.

How to reach for and grasp the reality of this new direction is the question when not understanding the alternatives or how to begin. The models for this change are everywhere, unspoken moments in individual lives where the heart, the consciousness, and the True Nature are given their due.

Helping others selflessly is rewarded with joy and peace of mind and a glad heart, anxious to do more. Peace of mind and satisfaction with the life you have lived have no price and you are richer for it. Serve each other and marvel at the outcome. Namaste.

June 18, 2015                                                             Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross