Negotiating with life  

JANU: For today’s journey, let us realize the magnificence of the perpetual motion of life. When illnesses occur, difficult conditions of life, nothing would be resolved or evolved or cured, if you will, without life in motion. Life flowing is what allows for all possibilities and part of the will to survive, to continue, is one with the flow of life. The natural pattern within the being to move everything forward, even beyond the personal preferences of your own existence.

Now, your innate desire to continue indicates that that nature exists in everything. Attuning to the universal flow of life can bring you clarity as to the nature of your own self-preservation instincts. This speaks of being one with all of life and also being one with your own True Nature. See all conditions as resolvable, one way or another. Sense these patterns within you and their nature will bring you understanding and confidence. Life speaks to life and communication of one kind or another takes place. If you would change a condition, speak to it with wisdom of the natural flow of life and your own True Nature. Everything is negotiable, and solutions always exist.

June 26, 2015                                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross