The future of religion

JANU: On today’s journey we shall include the forecast of sorts into the area of world religions. The re-examination of religion will be occurring around the world, not just by individual people but by the organizations as well. A growing realization that the purpose and need for a deeper understanding as to the nature of existence, of life and individuals, is called for. Many people already know this but without the details. Religious organizations will continue to find dwindling participation. The fault or cause does not lie with the people. The organizations have not evolved but the people are evolving.

The organizations will encourage people to find the truth within them and the organization is no longer presented as the only pathway to understanding the nature of life. Every being has a connection with this truth within them, but not encouraged to be drawn upon. The organizations will make these changes, but those who are the authority in these organizations must realize this within themselves and be an example to the people they would support. A teacher must always be capable of more than they teach. That is leadership. That is example and is an inspiration to those who are growing.

Petty bickering, fault finding, and differences between religions and their so-called leaders must give way to unified expression, broad-based, multidimensional, that can inspire and serve and uplift everyone to find their own truth. Religions have become growingly irrelevant in the lives of people and, in some ways, the people have grown beyond them. But we all benefit from each other and so it should be with those who would serve the people and each other. The old understandings must give way to the future. And they will.

Change is the theme here, as always, but wise change, enlightened change, profound change. As we have said before, genius lives within everyone. Help each other find it and all of humanity will benefit. Each one a Temple of the Truth and an understanding perfect for each one, as they evolve. Namaste, our brother.

June 16, 2015                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross