Carrying on with life and not withdrawing is a true achievement

Remaining in the physical has always been a challenge for me, as I prefer the inner life. My journeys with Janu have helped me to understand the connection of the two. This is a personal acknowledgement of my growth, as well as inspiration for others on the path.

JANU:    Good morning, our brother. You’re beginning to experience the oneness of our relationship. Not an easy concept to allow into the consciousness for many. You are beginning to realize that adversity and uplifting achievement draw us closer together, when one embraces everything they experience in life in ownership. In some ways, the life free of challenge is somewhat barren.

For today’s journey, let us discuss—or should we say explore—pinnacle experiences. And at times, they occur together. A pinnacle experience, then, is that which reveals understanding that is somewhat unique on life’s journey. A life of peace can be realized in the midst of challenges and blessings.

Do not see challenges in your life as failures of any kind. Can there be compassion for the suffering of others by those who’ve never experienced any, never taken one step in their shoes? Helping others see their circumstance with a new perspective that empowers them is a worthy manifestation of your own experience. How long you survive incarnate life is not the issue. The experience, the wisdom, the service you gain from it each moment is its purpose. Carrying on and not withdrawing from life is true achievement. Thank you, our brother, and namaste.

July 12, 2015                                                                          Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross