Sanctuary in a moment of time

JANU: We are holding this moment in time as sanctuary for a peaceful mind. The rest of the incarnate being benefits.

The sanctuary of the moment is a wondrous thing. It is like a zero point for everything to reset. It is not a denial of the incarnate experience or condition, for in the sanctuary of the moment the truth of all realities is known and brought into balance. Your so-called vacations from the work-a-day world are attempts to achieve this. The difference here is the sanctuary of time is transportable, so to speak, into the activities of the day.

Peace is found in this way. The beginnings of rejuvenation, the gentle insights into what is, fresh perspectives, and communication or direct knowing with the larger life, and release from entanglements that put demands on you. A moment of freedom to just be, which is the greatest freedom of all and far more powerful as an influence from living. Namaste.

July 9, 2015                                                                            Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross