The nature of the mind

JANU:    Let us look today into the nature of the combination of mind and so-called True Nature. They are one and the same, our brother. Physically unconscious of this fact, this reality, most walk the path of life with limited identity, which serves their purpose for the moment.

Mind is as a shadow of the reality of the True Nature’s consciousness. Always one, but the mind a reflection of, an extension of, a portion of, the True Nature consciousness. When working consciously as one mind, aligned with attributes, elements, and a shifting relationship as awakening continues, there is true synergism here. It is true; the mind is an interface between the larger reality of your being and the physical experience. The mind frequently draws upon inspiration, intuition, insight, which are nurtured by the True Nature’s consciousness.

The conscious physical mind—or should we say, physically oriented mind—has access to the larger collective consciousness of your True Nature. Out-of-the-body and near-death experiences open the door larger to this reality of being. This is in part an attraction to the drug-induced altered state that seems a euphoric experience of freedom, liberation, and expansion, but confusing to the system of consciousness while incarnate. It makes it difficult to integrate the elements of consciousness into a balanced collective, unified reality. But it seems far easier than the balanced approach to enlightenment and the human nature takes what seems to be the easier path, without concern of ramifications to the total being.

Much of the motivation here is to escape the discomforts, struggles, and pain that they have brought to incarnate life. The larger goal is to own all of it, our brother, and integrate it into a more balanced and understanding relationship with life. Patience, commitment, understanding, and a growing love of life, with the guidance of your True Nature, is a better way. So, the mind and the True Nature consciousness are one, our brother. Living in the truth of this yields a fuller life.

You ask, “Does the mind exist only for the purpose of incarnate life?” Yes and no, our brother, for the mind during incarnate life is conditioned to that interface, but discarnate it is not so limited but remembers the experience. Thank you, our brother, and namaste.

July 11, 2015                                                                          Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross