A circumspect way of living

JANU: For this evening’s journey, what we consider is be alert to your considerations whenever engaging on a path. Hesitating when making a decision and being open to the many elements of that decision means directing your thoughts and emotions in the directions of considerations. Slowing down impulsive motivations does not mean a lack of profound commitment to choices. A more measured approach to life, that includes insight and inspiration, is a wiser course.

When facing an impulsive decision, consider options. Even though you desire something strongly, back up a little, you see, and when it becomes clear to do so, let it go or embrace it. Hindsight is a valuable experience in this; when remembered, can bring balance to decision-making. A course may be profitable but timing can be important as well and resources can change. Namaste.

July 14, 2015 B                                                                      Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross