The resiliency of the human spirit

JANU: We are impressed once more by the resiliency of the human spirit. Many such encounters have the designation of ‘born again,’ renewal of the confidence within to endure and rise above. This is part of the nature of the True Nature, which is who you are.

The incarnate life, personality, ego, without a strong connection, suffers from the sense of being alone and, in certain ways, identifies with the vagaries of life. When the human consciousness comes to a point of being overwhelmed, it lets go of identification only with incarnate life and being, and is open to the truth within the True Nature. This condition, or relationship, is available not just in times of crisis but all the time. But the pressures of living make it easy to forget.

So, instead of a life from one crisis to another, open to the middle ground, the path of balance, evenmindedness, patience, and an acceptance of the love from life that is always yours. When you perceive life more in this way, you are more understanding of the conditions around you and that others endure, making it easier to inspire, lift consciousness, be encouraging. Serving the awakening of humanity, our brother, is what this is all about. Everything in the life is served, enhanced, uplifted as one awakens more and more. The challenges of life are nowhere near as powerful as the power within.

Awakening may slow from time to time. The distractions are many. Be patient with yourself and others. Process the challenges, but always return to your awakening, your True Nature, the larger Life, and the awesome power of true love. Be at peace. Namaste.

Aug. 1, 2015                                          Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross