Awakening is a process

JANU: For this evening’s journey, let us pursue a natural course of events that lead to awakening. We do not speak of awakening here as a single event, but the process of evolving consciousness of and as the True Nature. Moments of unexplained insight that prove to be true. Moments of inspiring another that prove helpful. Moments of unusual peace within the being. Moments of desire to know more, not for entertainment but to embrace more of life in the richness that brings. Moments of deep concern for the healing and well-being of another, not for self-aggrandizement but a sincere wish for their freedom. Moments of caring for the Earth and its creatures. Moments of appreciating someone’s endeavor. Moments of loving a child and their smile and their happiness and their growth. A desire to be part of life and serve it. And the growing memory that you have been this before and will be again. Unlimited mind and freedom to enrich life, not on your own but in harmony with the Family of Life.

Awakening is all of this and much more. This is not an ego quest, but an appreciation of life. Namaste.

Aug. 7, 2015 B                                                                                 Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross