Two brothers-two worlds-one plan-one lesson

JANU: This evening’s journey represents a ‘tale of two cities,’ so to speak, reaching into the archives of understanding. Let it be remembered that this story existed on two worlds, neither one of them being the Earth.

There were two brothers, not biologically but spiritually, that incarnated with the goal to find each other and communicate. This seemed to go well until one became distracted and found it easier to focus upon the incarnate life. The other attempted in vain, having remembered the commitment, and did locate the other brother and knew of the other’s distraction and life. Never communicated as such, these two brothers. But the one who remembered the commitment and found the brother served the other for the entire sojourn with encouragement, inspiration, and some guidance. When both had passed on, so to speak, they found each other again and found humor when understanding what took place. The understanding they took from this, that their communication took place but not as they had designed.

The currents of life are many and control of these is unpredictable. So be aware of and alert to outcomes that may differ from your plans but still have merit. Be open enough to understand life is always in motion and it takes patience and commitment and an open mind to understand it as it happens, and beyond. Namaste, our brother.

Aug. 5, 2015 B                                                                      Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross