Exploring the wonders of life

JANU: This evening we speak of wonders. Have we considered the wonder of living? Consider the wonder of it, its merit, its richness, its continuing from one moment to the next. What is that magic that keeps the flow of life flowing?

How conscious are you of your own spirit, and all your sojourns and journeys in between, and associations in and out of incarnation?   Can you summarize all of your experiences in this sojourn? Can you identify your own growth and changing perspectives? How more thoroughly and deeply do you understand another, including yourself? When you question life, do you understand the answers? Can you communicate with someone who is unconscious, hovering outside the body?

Can you be quiet enough to understand an animal or other creature? What is the language of life, beyond words that limit your understanding? Have you communicated with another being on another world? Can you explore an uninhabited planet and understand its nature? Is the Solar System alive to you?

These are only beginnings of inquiries into life. Even the inquiring is a wonder. Do you understand that life is evolving with you and through you and by you and you are part of the wonder? There are many wonders, our brother, and we will continue to explore them together. Namaste.

July 30, 2015 B                                                      Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross