Exploring balance and imbalance on the human journey

JANU: We are searching out, if you will, the need for re-balancing in the collective human consciousness. For this is the root of so many elements of discord on the journey of Truth. The degree of collective human balance changes greatly over time. Stability in this area of the human journey would lead to more rationale thought, behavior, and motivations.

Now, balance involves many things, for the human and the True Nature of each are a collective of many systems of life. This balance can be disturbed by fluctuating energy fields humanity is yet to be aware of. Countless interactions. Balance can be recovered, to a degree, by those who serve life, but this is temporary in the presence of human diversity in a consciousness that is influenced by a life of excesses, externally motivated desires, and the human games played between each other. A more permanent, complete, and appropriate balance is found in a close relationship with the True Nature, the source of who you think you are, the Eternal Nature. Unstructured equilibrium in the thoughts and emotions can be seen and understood for what they are, with perception based on the insights of the True Nature.

The incarnate life is filled with imbalances that can be a vast resource of experience to explore the reality of balance personally and collectively, allowing one to master their lives and contribute greatly to the human journey. Focus upon the balance in your life, or imbalance. Choose to understand the reality of it and what would change it. Namaste.

Aug. 21, 2015 B                                                             Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross