Introducing another exploration: The Power to Create

JANU: We are summarizing then the recent journeys on the human condition. May we say that there occurs to us that this body of information is a journey of information of return to what humanity has known before, this being a reminder. As awakening is a process, the process must include the patience to allow for balance in the psyche to be maintained during the awakening to these truths. There is much more that humanity has owned before, as to its origin and the larger life, which we will speak of from time to time. The summary of this journey so far speaks to humanity with a bright future, many challenges, and the inner strength and wisdom to meet them well. Moving past the sense that one is alone in the world will bring strides forward of greater confidence in life and in one’s existence.

Remembering what you already know can be confusing at times, for one has a tendency to hang on to what they think they know, not wanting to change it. For one finds comfort in stability and tomorrow looking a lot like today. Embracing change as a way of living is yet to come, but it is facing everyone. That does not mean that all change is around the corner, so to speak. Sometimes it is lifetimes long, to where the incarnate mind does not perceive it. But the change is coming, our brother. It is wise to be open to it, for it is life in motion, and life cannot expand or continue without it.

So this cycle of exploring the human condition is changing. Next we will explore the power, the capacity to create. Thank you, our brother, and namaste.

Aug. 17, 2015 B                                                                    Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross

(Be sure to check the next two posts.)