What is real and what is not? How open is your mind?

JANU: We are celebrating this time the advent of the multiple reality of our being. What do we mean by this, you ask. Our being, our brother, is capable of multiple existences simultaneously in the adventure of life. We are capable of manifesting any characteristic you observe on the human journey. The reality of our connection with any True Nature fits into the category referred to as elementals. Virtually any portion of life can be visited and understood and communicated with. The shifting of consciousness to another reality is a natural one. Life attunes to life. Now, oneness not being an empty concept but a practical reality, whatever your attention is on you are connected to. The degree of connection is selectable.

This one who inspires you, called “Dynamo” given name Steven Fraine, has deep convictions about life, yet to discover the totality of his nature, demonstrates how fluid life is and that no reality is fixed. He is discovering the Truth of Life in his own way in the miracles he demonstrates. They are a small portion of the larger life, but they do awaken the consciousness. It is useful to open the mind for a moment but the question remains: open to what? But it is a beginning and it brings back memories, free of a limited concept of physical reality.

What is real, and what is not? A difficult question to embrace, begging the next, which is: How open is your mind to the larger reality of life?

Aug. 27, 2015 B                                                    Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross