The reciprocity of service

JANU:    The sum total of human consciousness on the Earth is a growing light. This growing light attracts those who wish to support it. This system of life is even larger than that. Consider the collective consciousness of all the True Natures of humanity. Yes, even the physical universe has its True Nature. You consider yourselves living systems. There are many. Collectively the universe evolves as consciousness and much more. Your individual being is a collective of systems far more than physicality. The Principles of Life as the source of your being relates to you, not unlike it relates to this one universe you live in.

Remembering that physical existence is a small part of this system, you are so much more. Remembering now that the light is the Truth of Life and shedding this Truth, this Light, upon the focus of your interests allows perception. Desire to see the truth of everything, including your own existence, and the light of humanity is richer. Allow your own experiences to benefit from the collective light of humanity. You coexist with the growing light of life. Be a light for others through your desires and your achievements.

Serve life in this way and you will be served as well. That is a theme of evolving existence: the reciprocity of service. Even as you seek and procure good health, radiate it. As you embrace a new understanding, an upliftment, a clarity, radiate it. Life does not hide its reality from itself. As you achieve deeper and truer peace, radiate it. Allow others to benefit from your existence. Namaste.

Aug. 28, 2015                                                                        Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross