Merging the human mind and that of the True Nature

JANU:    Attune then to that nature of the human reality that exists to form an alliance with the truth of its larger nature. “How does one achieve this, then?” you ask. Forming alliances has to do with being in agreement, to the benefit of all parties. There is a benefit to the True Nature experiencing incarnate life. And the converse is true.

Our agreement is based upon, in part, serving the awakening of humanity. But more than that, we support the evolution of life itself, its creations. There are fundamental patterns of life that exist in many realities and we support those as well. So the forming of an alliance, you see, is based upon an affinity for all involved to evolve the relationship and cooperate and coordinate and enrich.

What we are beginning to achieve even more fully is a conscious relationship. What we are achieving is not unique, our brother. It is the model for raising consciousness ever more successfully. You will learn, in due course, the relationship between the finite human consciousness and that of your own True Nature. And yes, more and more you will speak as one voice, one understanding. Namaste, our brother.

Sept. 2, 2015 B                                                                      Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross