Co-existence of all creations

JANU:    Let us begin again by saying the power to create includes all persuasions of thought, perception. Life allows discord as well as harmony. So the choice is yours. The human perception of good and bad is one of interpretation based on motives and experiences. The flow of life is based upon the power to create. Creation recycles itself to begin again, to renew, and to modify.

So what is worth creating? Would you create a life free of challenge, discord, free of suffering, free of regret, free of any opportunity to experience that side of life, all of its wisdom and benefits through experience? What would you create? All of these have been created. What is bliss, then?   Is it free of these things? Or is it peace and deep profound consciousness in the midst of these? A consciousness that learns from every experience, every reality, and continues to embrace life. The joy from living is not just from that which is easy and trouble-free, but from living, understanding, serving, and loving the magic of all of it.

Experiencing the full range of life manifestation and mastering the experience is freedom. Freedom to be, freedom to choose, freedom to engage, freedom to serve, freedom to configure your life as you will. The power to create includes all of this. Condemning another’s choice, another’s creation, as not agreeing with your choice is a judgement. Humanity is an example of the co-existence of a wide range of life expressions. For or against, applied to your own life, calls upon the power to create what it includes.

So this study has nothing to do with controlling the life of another. More to do with supporting the flow of life and all it includes, without judgement, condemnation, but co-existence. This foundation is essential for the journeys we will take. How can life find fault with itself and survive? Namaste, our brother.

Sept. 10, 2015                                                                        Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross