Find the truth within to see the truth around you

JANU:    This power to create is present in the life of an individual when that individual is in harmony with, attuned to, at one with the True Nature. Creating in harmony with the flow of life gives longevity to and purpose for the creation. Now, some create without this advantage and their creations have destructive consequences in competitions among people, struggling for power. And there are many who create with harmonious motives with the flow of life, loving their families, respecting each other, and wishing freedom and prosperity, happiness, for those who seek it. The dance of life created in this way gives call to the power to create. And this call is answered with forces unknown, beings unknown, and the well wishes of others.

Some use power to give, others use power to take. A central difference in applying the power to create: Life makes available all the power you need to create. There is no need to take power from another person. Recognize the power another may offer you. Is it in harmony with the truth within you? And does everyone involved grow from it?

The power to create is not grandiose. A smile can be a huge moment in someone’s life. A moment’s peace and sense of well-being are grand experiences. A brief insight in a troubled mind works wonders, coming from within. These small gifts are grand, indeed. Holding someone’s hand who feels alone and without direction. Many provide these in their lives.

Encourage others to listen to their own still, small voice. It is their True Nature, that loves them. The truth of who you are would lift you into happiness, peace of mind, love of self, and the confidence to move on. The power to create a happier life has always been yours. Look within and find the truth so you can recognize the truth around you. Namaste.

Sept. 18, 2015 B                                                    Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross