
JANU:    Our attention this morning is turned to a form of leadership among nations not limited to politics and governments, but to the hearts and minds—and, yes, souls, if you will—of the people. We encourage continually the emerging of the reality of the True Nature in the consciousness of people. This is true leadership, for it is from within, the so-called Divine within.

More and more of collective humanity is moving into the arena of self-determination and a general caring for each other. More and more individuals will become aware that their hopes, desires, dreams, ambitions, and visions for their life are more common than they realized in the lives of others. And, in so doing, realize that cooperation and coordination of these serves everyone better than, more fully than, individual pursuits. Collective humanity is beginning to be realized individually.

Some governments attempt to construct themselves, to a degree, in this way. But the motivation for their existence is to stay in power. Yes, there are a few who are inwardly motivated but the pressures of survival cause pandering to the selfish interests of the power brokers. The military does not want an end to conflicts. It is the justification for their budgets and, ultimately, their existence. Many make a living servicing humanity’s troubles, not open to new careers serving humanity’s peace, happiness, and successes.

Choosing with wisdom what you serve in life takes honesty and courage. Being true to who you truly are, the Divine within, is a challenge in today’s social climate, but the rewards are more immediate and enriching than you might suspect. That is leadership, our brother, leading people in the direction of their own True Natures. Namaste.

Sept. 18, 2015                                                                        Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross