Two thoughts on improving life

A new way of living

JANU: How simple and natural it can be to communicate within. It has always been thus, but many human conceptions, patterns of living can’t accept it. Would it be that humanity, interpersonally, could communicate with each other non-verbally.

Inner communication can change the social landscape profoundly. Consider a patient unconscious and the physician communicating with clarity and a profound understanding of the patient’s condition, guided by the patient’s own consciousness. The paramedic as well, knowing exactly what to do. Not only person to person, but person to animal, or any living creature. Not only in physical crises, but in relationships.

Consider the scenario of first encounter with another world. Words no longer a barrier. Misinterpretation rare. Agendas no longer secret. The consciousness of your world revealed.

Finally, society living in harmony with the planet’s resources and destiny. The truth of deity no longer a mystery. And your own being, at peace with you. Awakening once more the issue of the moment, changing everything. Continue to awaken and live a new way of life. Namaste.

Sept.15, 2015                                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


JANU: When involved in an exchange, buying and selling, any business activity, any description of any part of your life to another, give some thought to the person you would have Life bring you together with for the exchange. Someone deceptive, with hidden agenda, or someone honest? And what of your relationship after the exchange, moving forward?

Being honest in your transactions, whether financial, verbal, or any other, how far do you carry honesty? Are you comfortable with the exchange that benefits only you? What is your integrity made of? Are you committed to the power of the truth, or does manipulation, deception, seem more powerful?

These patterns of consciousness and behavior, thoughts and feelings, will limit you on your path of awakening. There are no secrets in the larger life. All is known, whether the parties in your exchange are aware or not. Search yourself for these patterns and the truth that lives in others can know them as well. Conduct your dealings on a higher level in the long run, and in the short they will be more successful. Namaste.

Sept. 15, 2015 B                                                                    Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross