The larger life is real

JANU: It is real, our brother, this thing called ‘direct knowing.’ The larger life is real. The possibilities are unlimited for understanding and manifestation. The lowering of the veil reduces the set of possibilities for the purpose of simplifying exploring life. Fewer distractions from the combination, the co-existence of so many realities. So, the presence of the veil, you see, is determined by the desire to be more than you know.

From the larger point of view, even ignorance is real, within the parameters of its existence. The reality of life itself is real. Anything you can think of can exist under the right conditions. This is the purview of co-creators. And why are you called such? Because you are one with all of life. There is connection, intimacy of reality, a consciousness that can attune to anything, with harmonious wisdom to do so. Being unaware of such things at the moment does not negate their existence.

We have examined many elements of human consciousness and their possibilities. Many more to come. What we are building is a broad foundation for maturity and the evolution of consciousness. The larger life is very sane, our brother, and moving from limited to unlimited consciousness brings greater sanity. Everything improves.

Many have gone on before, demonstrating these principles, these changes, these awakenings, and have shared them, in one way or another. Dedicated, committed, and tireless beings, who devote their sojourns to lift humanity. So continue our commitment together to bring understanding and inspiration that each one learn to achieve the genius within them and find greater freedom and ownership of who they are. Namaste.

Oct. 2, 2015 B                                                                                Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross