
JANU: We are elaborating upon the misfortunes of the day, for many people. It is easy to look upon the brutality of some national leaders, drug lords, and even individuals and find dismay about the current human journey. It helps to put this in perspective, realizing that these are temporary aberrations, and focus upon the wonder of human potential. Focus upon this alternative. Give it life and energy. Allow it to be, by your attention and prayers. Do not see the aberrations as permanent or powerful. They are not. They are temporary. We are not against these, but for the wonder of human potential, evidenced by the generosity and love and service given by so many. Your media could contribute to this potential by bringing to the light of the public the good works, shifting people’s focus from mayhem to enlightened service.

Kindness is very powerful when bringing people together for common benefit. No matter how seemingly small or insignificant a kindness, it is a seed that is planted and grows beyond its inception. Kindness is a liberator of the spirit. It includes encouragement, a smile, a compliment, caring, and an embrace, and consideration.

Choose any day with kindness as a theme. Allow yourself to be alert to opportunities. Kindness need not be demonstrative or overt. The purpose is to help others understand and feel positive about themselves. Gently, at times quietly, honestly and naturally, be kind to someone and yourself. Thank you, our brother, and namaste.

Oct. 1, 2015 B                                                                                Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross