Two caveats in explorations of life

Reaching beyond your grasp

JANU: We are synthesizing the enormity of life into a simplicity of understanding that precedes the ability to know, understanding that it is not necessary or wise, while incarnate, to know all of life. There is wisdom, however, in being aware of its presence and allowing it to serve you on any point of need. Embracing more and more of life is a journey worth taking, enhancing your life while maintaining its integrity and your own sanity.

Yes, there are times when perspectives are challenged and need to evolve, for an attribute of life is change, allowing renewal, re-creation, and flow. Exploration without a central reference of the integrity of your True Nature brings confusion. Your ability to explore life must be tempered by your capacity for balance and integrity while doing so. Patience allows for this, reaching beyond the grasp does not. Timelessness is indeed a virtue. Namaste.

Sept. 23, 2015                                                                 Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross

Time shifting

JANU:    Moving through time is a reality. Progress slowly with this, for movement through time has consequences and, for the unskilled, difficulty returning is one of them. Your current position in time is no more valid than any other time, but there is much more to it than that. Now, there is time shifting in consciousness, but physically is a different set of elements.

Genetic engineering is another arena of manipulating life, not always knowing in advance the ramifications. Another arena that is worthy of examination is your own consciousness, which includes perceptions, interpretations, emotional and mental patterns, that can have many ramifications, not only in this sojourn but in others to come. A thing uncontrolled seems uncontrollable. Time is a fluid part of life, and so are the patterns of your consciousness. Remember, everything is changing, alterable, but care and wisdom and patience are called for. Namaste.

Sept. 23, 2015B                                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross