The path to true freedom

JANU: We represent, if you will, a path to peace for this one, the nature of which is a construct of the divine within. Everyone’s True Nature has this capability when the desire is there to awaken. Observing human social consciousness, the desire for a better life, fuller understanding, and peace occurs. In time, a small window appears in the consciousness with a glimpse that there is more to life than bumping into challenges without understanding them, as a pinball out of control. In this way, one discovers there is not only more to life, but an unlimited journey of experience, wisdom, service, and joy in living, whether in the body or not.

Allowing, in your consciousness, your larger nature into your awareness begins the process of allowing the rest of your being to awaken your core values of appreciating and being one with the nature of Life itself. Instead of only seeing what you think is wrong with life, you see more and more of how beautifully it works. The veil keeps you from seeing this, but remember, the veil is your creation by choice. The awakening begins to show you why you created it and the path to life beyond it. Desire your freedom and the responsibility that goes with it. Grow in your understanding when the wisdom comes. Your life once again in control, but not just by your human consciousness, but by the rest of who you are and the divine within, your True Nature. Peace, strength, commitment, inspiration, and service, all of this and much, much more, are yours for the allowing and always have been. Recover the freedom to be. Namaste.

Oct. 9, 2015                                                                     Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross