Serving human potential

JANU: You are correct. Raising the consciousness of humanity is a supreme endeavor. Visiting the Earth at this time is emblematic of this achievement. Humanity is already on this path, our brother, but assistance occurs from many realities and not all of them indigenous to the Earth. The Earth and its total beingness is vibrant with support from many sources. To embrace these as an incarnate consciousness adds effectiveness to the endeavor. Appreciating the love involved, from Life itself and all of these sources, is humbling and uplifting at the same time.

Humanity has within it grand achievements that can contribute much to life, individually and collectively. Even with so many seeming reversals on its journey, yet it still exists with hopes and dreams and desires for a better life and richer understanding and a growing generosity. Humanity’s potential is easier to perceive than its reversals. And these potentials in humanity deserve support, encouragement, and careful guidance. So many of humanity’s insights and breakthroughs and so-called ‘original thinking’ are the result of a sharing of life’s innate wisdom and genius, for humanity and their True Nature have always been one. Choose to see, allow yourself to see, humanity’s potential, making it easier to see its movement in that direction.

You, personally, are so fond of music and its upliftment. The fruits of humanity are even grander in its destiny. See the beauty already manifesting in human destiny. Babies make many mistakes, experimenting with infancy and finding out about life and who they are. See humanity’s reversals, so to speak, its experimentation with its own existence, in the same way. The patience of the parents and their enduring love for the child and its potential is reflected in Life’s caring for humanity. So much to learn and experience. An endless journey, rich indeed. Namaste.

Oct. 15, 2015 B                                                Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross