Understanding Deity

I had voiced the idea that those living on other worlds have developed their own concept of deity and would not begin to understand ours. This caused some consternation among my listeners and led to this journey.

JANU: We are reviewing your current thoughts on deity. It is a wonderful, a beautiful process of life continuation, the creation of consciousness, desire, and love that grows and changes by the consciousnesses that created it. The collective consciousness of humanity brought to bear upon a deep desire for love and forgiveness, courage, insight, strength, all of the virtues that allow humanity to continue and to prosper.

You are correct. Deity is not unique to the Earth. It has been created many times, according to the desires of those consciousnesses. It is a natural mechanism to master life and, ultimately, open the experience to larger truths. So, you see, our brother, ‘deity’ is a means not an end, not a completion but movement into greater freedom.

People struggle with their relationship to deity by way of confusion, misinterpretation, experimentation, outright rejection. But the deity they have created embraces them, forgives them, and has the patience of eternity. It is very real, created by co-creators, not understanding how the creation can be but benefiting from it, nonetheless. In time, human consciousness will realize it is the source of deities, allowed by Life, grateful for the benefit, and then move on to an even larger life. Another piece of the puzzle of life, understood as it is placed within the larger puzzle, to be explored.

Oct. 12, 2015                                                                  Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross