Being part of the family of life

JANU: Be it known that in many of your so-called ‘ancient’ cultures, the Egyptians in particular but others as well, seed thoughts were introduced that developed into those cultures. Humanity chooses to think of itself as alone, separate, self-determining and take full credit for all they have achieved. And rightly so, to a degree. However, much of what has been gained was planted here on the Earth by other beings and cultures from other realities, and we do not mean only other worlds. At times, tracing the origins of a culture to its beginning appears possible but it is not. Not with conventional means. Consider America, if you will, and the involvement of St. Germaine, though not incarnate at the time. There are many such examples hidden from history and intended that it be this way.

Humanity is a larger part of life, by reason that its participation in life will eventually bring more and more influence to others who share it. Humanity’s growing ability to explore off world is monitored and guided at times, as a child is guarded against impulsive wanderings and touching things. Guidance and restrictions are put in place that the child continue to evolve yet survive the experimentation. So it is with humanity, and humanity has wandered near the brink, from time to time. Should the child complain of interference of free will in the presence of parental guidance and protection? Humanity is in the same situation.

As we have said, humanity is part of a larger life, a larger family of life, and always has been. Wise is the child that respects and looks for the wisdom of the parent. Would that humanity do the same with the wiser ones who serve their evolution. There will always be wisdom in existence greater than your own. Wise is the one who engages this wisdom, always free to accept it or not.

So, when one takes credit for achievement, take a moment and consider all that was involved. You are part of a larger life, whether you are aware of it or not. This is part of your survival and your achievements. Namaste.

Nov. 3, 2015                                                                    Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross