Romancing who you are and the Truth of Life

JANU: For this evening’s exploration, may we continue on the subject of ‘romance.’ By this we mean the nature of our relationship with life, and it is a romance of a certain kind. For there is love: a love of life; a love of discovery; the love of service, of giving; the love of knowing the truth of the moment; the love of cherishing the gifts of life and of being. You are beginning to appreciate the love all the elements of your being possess as your True Nature. The term ‘loving yourself’ has taken on far deeper meaning. You ask of the conscious integration of the self. This is the pathway to it, our brother. And as you do, you respect that True Nature that is everyone else.

So the name of the movie, Romancing the Stone, transfers its meaning to romancing all that you are. A completely and totally enjoyable journey of awakening. So, romancing your True Nature, and life itself and all that it is, is the journey of journeys. It brings a peace, a deeper peace, a fuller peace, that is new to you. Enjoy every moment of it. Allow it to enrich your experience as we explore life together. Namaste.

Nov. 20, 2015 B                                                             Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross