The journey of oneness consciousness

JANU: The choice for incarnation, our brother, was a conscious one, including the veil. The journey back to conscious oneness builds wisdom, character, serves life, enriches it. The physical universe or part of life one becomes part of is developed by these journeys of incarnation. The forms, the cycles of life generate so much needed by the flow of life, which is needed in turn by the journeyer.

The return to oneness consciousness does not mean that oneness discontinued for a time. It is always a part of reality. The return to oneness consciousness aids in applying all you have gained to wherever you are. Choices guided by a oneness consciousness, awakening to the larger life once more, are more in harmony with the evolution of life. One ‘listens for’ with more of their being, senses more fully the consciousness of others and the principles of life at the heart of everything. Returning to oneness awareness is more something you allow than create. It is the more natural reality of a more complete being.

A oneness consciousness can be sensed by others for the peace it brings in intimacy with life, a loving intimacy. The many colors and hues in the tapestry of life are revealed, rich beyond imagination. And there is life in all of creation. And one respects and understands the life in everything. No longer the unresolved conflicts in thoughts and feelings and emotions and experiences. Patience with yourself brings peace.

All life is connected. Becoming aware of this is a journey. Be patient with yourself and find peace and awareness. Namaste.

Dec. 7, 2015                                                                    Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross