The still small voice  

JANU: We are referencing, then, the so-called ‘still small voice,’ this being your own true voice. We do not reference words here, but direct knowing, the source of conscience, the same conscience that was you before incarnation, your True Nature that agreed to incarnate. You ask, “Agreed with what?” The Hierarchy of Life and your relationship with it.

The voice of Life beyond words. The voice of your being, ‘still’ only by comparison to the noisy, so to speak, human mind, but speaks very loudly in the flow of life. You think of color by human perception as a vehicle of meaning. The voice of your being is not limited by the perception of human vision. The voice of your True Nature understands the many meanings of life beyond any human faculties. The voice of your True Nature is in intimate communication with life. A limitless reality, beyond time and space but inclusive, as well.

The purpose of this exploration is to realize that who you truly are is one with everything, unlimited, unending and, therefore, can make available to your human understanding whatever you need. Seek the truth you desire and learn to listen peacefully, patiently, with confidence in the power and the presence of who you are. The answers arrive in many forms, many opportunities of understanding. Be alert to their application to the truth you seek.

Decide to know the Truth of Life. It is not withheld from you. You need only be open to it. Allow it into your consciousness. Apply it as you may, and move on. Namaste.

Dec. 14, 2015                                                                  Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

For more on the still, small voice see also The Rapture and Integrity and the True Nature.