JANU: The focus this evening has to do with the numbered system of life as pertains to approximations in understanding. The scientific community fancies its portrayal of the science of life, the physics and the laws and the properties, explainable mathematically, as a rational approach to research and understanding. Verifiable evidence. Understand this: mathematics exists within the parameters of life that are non-linear, unpredictable, and cannot be contained in linear approaches to the nature of life. When attuning your consciousness to realities, let it be more organic than that. For even mathematics, our brother, have a fluidity not described by the math. How does math contain an understanding of reality beyond time/space where those properties do not exist? Moving then into probabilities.
So what do you hang your hat on while exploring life and serving it? Certainly not a rigid system of understanding. Something created from nothing. And what is the nothing, you see? So as we continue our journey of exploring life, be that open and unregimented to grasp reality beyond the science. Remember, any system you employ has a larger truth behind it. Everything comes from nothing. Namaste.
Jan. 1, 2016 B Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross
Be sure to check out tomorrow’s post “The Nature of the Manifest and Unmanifest,” as it extends this concept.