Understanding limitation and freedom

JANU: The focus this evening grants access to what some might call a ‘behind the scenes’ look at the tapestry of life. There is wisdom in limiting revelation as to the nature of life. This wisdom has support from those who are growing in their understanding of it and its application. The human consciousness at this stage of evolution is ill equipped to handle more, for knowledge is power: the power to create and the power to destroy. But limitation is not meant to be permanent. Qualifying for more understanding is the journey. Many are on this path of revelation and their reluctance to gossip, if you will, is out of respect and a love of life, that all may benefit as they are capable.

Allow your growth, expansion in consciousness, to be in harmony with this wisdom, as so many have. Any understanding has its merit couched, if you will, in the accumulation of other truths. To reach for understanding of one part of life with no consideration for what it touches lacks wisdom. The little picture and the larger are one. When knowledge and wisdom walk together, all of life benefits.

One lifetime does not describe the path of discovery or the wisdom or the benefits. Enjoy the moments of discovery, the thresholds of understanding, and the glorious manifestations that are brought, grateful for it all and the systems of life that support it. Namaste.

Jan. 8, 2016                                                                     Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross