Transdimensional communication

JANU: We are looking into at this time that which belongs to the mediumistic reality of so-called transdimensional communication. Now, this exists in many forms and on many levels. Hunches, insights, instincts are labels given to some of these. But this sort of thing exists across the board, if you will, but not recognized for what it is by most.

Humanity is slowly realizing that something wonderful is developing. There is more to their nature than they know. The collective consciousness of humanity is developing in this direction and will overtake, eventually, the doubters. But they serve a purpose as well, holding the reins, so to speak, on fanciful imagination and wishful thinking.

Deep desire to know the truth quickens this ability. Truth is known, and always available. Namaste.

Dec. 30, 2015 B                                                             Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross