
JANU: There is a fascinating element of life that perpetuates evolution, not to be analyzed in detail but to be understood as a compelling factor in the distribution and evolution of life. To evolve means to unfold, and life is unfolding. Everyone’s life is. Everything’s life is. What this unfolding includes remains to be seen, but it is the potential of life that is evolving. And the evolution builds the potential, unfolds it further, as does your own existence. No matter your perception of achievement or lack thereof, evolution continues the process. And that path continues to unfold. Even the seeming lack of achievement is an unfoldment. It is the learning. It is the wisdom gaining. It is the so-called trial and error. It is miraculous.

Evolution brings into view potential, and potential is another miracle of life. Pre-ordination attempts to describe the existence of potential, but it is too simple an understanding, too vague. Potential and manifestation co-exist. Evolution is as primary, as fundamental as potential. Evolution is Life in love with life. You evolve as Life loves itself, and you are Life. Oneness is spoken of so often, but how deeply understood, how intimately? We of the Brotherhood of Light are enriched every moment by this reality. The nature of this reality is that it be shared, inspired, supported, embraced throughout manifest life.

You ask what role brutality, violence, mis-emotions, destruction play in evolution. It brings balance, our brother, to those who prefer peace and love. It tempers the journey, requiring patience, understanding, and a view of life with a capacity to allow while maintaining integrity, even as Life itself does. The ‘middle road,’ our brother, is defined by the range of life. The ‘middle road’ understands both sides of the coin, centered in equilibrium, seeing the Truth in everything, not taking sides.

Jan. 12, 2016                                                                   Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross