Symbols and enlightenment

JANU: We are ambling, if you will, along the path of life, for the journey at times can be laid back, if you will, to take in more detail of the elements of the journey. This evening’s ‘amble’ is in the direction of converting symbols to direct experience. Many are so used to the symbols, they see them as the experience, having to constantly renew the symbol, hoping for meaning and enlightenment.

What say you, then, to the symbol of love, meaning the Christian cross? For many, a symbol of sacrifice for the sake of humanity. But having survived this symbolism, Christ continued to love humanity, his mate, and his progeny. Enlightenment does not mean isolation but the opportunity to be a blessing for another, demonstrating the strength and reliability of True Love.

Whatever symbols of life you hold dear, be at one with what they represent. Be one with the truth of these. Be that much more complete, in your consciousness, in your being, in your service. Namaste.

Jan. 19, 2016 B                                                               Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This was erroneously published too soon. Would make more sense if read in conjunction with Religion & Churches.