Human Destiny

JANU: For today’s forecast, let us look beyond and through the difficulties of the moment in human civilization. There is momentum building for more successful relationship with human destiny and realization of potential. One theme of this will be mutual respect and cooperation among humans, their organizations, their nations, their social activities, and their dreams of the future. The thrust will be realizing those dreams in the present, no longer seeing the future as distant. What humanity has yet to realize is the movement in consciousness in this direction, and the manifesting of energy patterns for success is a springboard for ultimate cooperation with the larger life.

Humanity has a grand destiny but many times cannot see this. Witness the performance of a couple working together benevolently, not only for each other but raising a family, building a neighborhood, forming social organizations of assistance, researching better ways of living. Extend this past the capability of two into many thousands. Not all groupings with the same purpose and mission and creativity, but with a diversity that commands respect and admiration with the larger view. Bringing about such a reality can begin with a couple, whether married or not, whether in a family way or not. Two united with open hearts and minds and good will makes the difference.

The same is true in spirit, our brother, among those of us who choose such a path; humanity has benefited greatly over the eons of time by such collaborative efforts, and still does. The models for success in human society have their counterpart in the larger life. We stand in evidence of this and relate to the best efforts of humanity to free themselves from limitation, entering true abundance and the power of peace.

Learn and develop the ability to honor the skills of another, whether they realize them or not. Continue this path, our brother, and we all benefit. Namaste.
Apr. 5, 2016                                                                     Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross