Awakening 2: We are stronger together

JANU: This second look at the miracles of awakening begins with insight into motivation. For how can you create change in your life if desire is not there, passion, the wonder? The incentive for this, at least in the beginning, is the current conditions of living in the incarnate life. Incarnate life is not inherently a negative experience. It can be quite miraculous, with one breakthrough after another of uplifting experiences.

Challenges and successes, yes, and even failures of a temporary nature can strengthen resolve, teach great lessons, reveal the nature of your life. “But to what end?” you might ask. It is to own these experiences, our brother, to make them viable elements of your lexicon of being, for, when applied to an awakening consciousness, they prepare one for new and more expansive adventures of wisdom and experience.

Repeating elements of life endlessly is an option, but how does that serve you? But for some, that’s what it takes to see the lesson with clarity and embrace change. The range of living experiences, understandings of involvements and evolvements is as fast as human consciousness chooses. For some, it appears to be a straight, linear path to awakening. For others, it seems to run in circles without end. And everything in between. It is all life, our brother. The choice is yours. The lessons are yours. The rewards are yours. Time and space do not cover these, but they are part of them.

Your experiences in life come from your desires, your interests, your passions, and, yes, your fears and apprehensions. Choices have results; awakening brings clarity to the results of choice, the opportunities, the rewards. So, awakening is not just the path to a perfect life, our brother, but to one of clarity for your choices. And what is perfection, then, but life’s ability to be anything and everything? So, you see, our brother, awakening is also the path to freedom, which includes relationships and the freedoms of others in service and example, inspiration.

As with any family, we are stronger together than apart, for we grow with each other, benefiting from everyone’s successes and the wisdom that comes from their challenges. So, welcome to awakening the larger life which is within you. Namaste.
Apr. 12, 2016                                                                  Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series, exploring the process and experience of awakening, in a direct and organized manner. It is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journey of awakening. Be sure to check out previous postings.